Tips for Grandma Visits: Getting What You Wish For

One of my Grandma friends with whom I have shared Grandma Lessons is the mother of a son.  She wanted Grandma Lessons so she would be the one her son and daughter-in-law relied upon.  She wanted to be the hands on grandma with an intimate relationship with her grandchildren.  Eight years later, we discussed her […]

Rock-A-Bye Baby Gifts from Grandma

We Grandmas know Rock-A-Bye Baby.  After all, we sing it to all of the precious grandchildren we rock in our arms. Rock-a-Bye Baby Rock-a-bye baby, in the treetop When the wind blows, the cradle will rock When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall And down will come baby, cradle and all Or do we? […]

Personalized Baby Gift Ideas for the Third Child Born in the Family

A dear friend has a new granddaughter.  She is the fifth granddaughter in the family.  One thing is sure.  This adorable newborn does not need clothes!  Even culling from five previous girls, even if you like very little, even if only a little bit is in great condition, this adorable newborn does not need clothes. […]

Being With a Grandchild is Fattening: Five Best Tips for Grandma Weight Maintenance

My youngest grandchild had his adenoids out and tubes in his ears because of recurrent ear infections. Since he could not leave the house and both parents work full time, this Grandma came to help. But, only after his mommy was there to snuggle with him the day of surgery–I wanted him to have that […]

Why this Long Distance Grandma No Longer Envies Local Grandmas

All of our grandchildren have been here for spring break for a week.  Today, Grandpa turned to me and said, “I think we need to repaint after the grandchildren leave.”  One week of riding toys and grandchildren banging against the walls and it shows.  With regard to grandchildren banging against the walls, this is true.  […]

Best of Baltimore with Grandchildren

Why Baltimore, of all places?  Baltimore is an easy one hour drive from D.C. and a great day trip.  It is three hours from  N.Y.C . and a place to stop on the way to D.C.  With numerous attractions – centered around the bustling, pedestrian-friendly Inner Harbor, you won’t need to spend any time in […]

Grandma and the Family Medical Leave Act

The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) celebrates its twentieth year in existence this year and was meant to be a first step toward a family-friendly workplace in America.  It has allowed many to bond with a newborn, care for an aging parent, or deal with a health emergency without fear of losing a job, according […]

The Grandma Glue: Keeping Families Together for Holiday Rituals and Traditions

My Mother always said that the matriarch in the family is the glue.   It is the job of the matriarch to keep family traditions and rituals and bring all the family together on holidays and special family celebrations.  She said family traditions and rituals are what we remember in life.   As a Holocaust survivor, she […]

Grandma buys Best Balls and Games with Balls for Grandchildren

Balls are the best gift for grandchildren of every age.  Balls come in every size and shape. If you want to buy a soccer ball, or basketball, or football, for learning the sport, look on the internet for information as to the best to buy for your age grandchild.  Otherwise, if you are looking for […]

Grandma’s Eggcellent Easter Presents, Recipe and Activities

The best Grandma times are those where we do something together with our grandchildren.  Cleanup is always a priority.  Consider a different Easter present this year–a personalized chef’s apron and cook’s hat.  You can find an adorable  version  and personalize it with “Grandma’s (or your special name) Helper” at The Stationary Studio by clicking here. […]

Best ”Apples and Applesauce Playdate” with Grandma

I think you can see by now that this Grandma makes reservations.  It seems the only time I actually cook or bake anymore, is to cook with or for our grandchildren.  I think you can also see by now that I consider recipes a means to a great time to play with and teach our […]

Grandma’s Perfect Passover Presents, Recipe and Activities

The best Grandma times are those where we do something together with our grandchildren.  Cleanup is always a priority.  Consider a different Passover present this year–a personalized chef’s apron and cook’s hat.  You can find an adorable version and personalize it with “Grandma’s (or your special name) Helper” by clicking here. The Stationary Studio is […]

Grandma Agrees: Vacations Make Us All More Productive

This Grandma loves vacations.  Who doesn’t?  However, something I have suspected for a long time—that vacations make us more productive, is the subject of the front page article in the Sunday Review section of the New York Times, February 10, 2013.  Tony Schwartz, the chief executive officer of The Energy Project and the author of […]

Grandmas and Stress: Good News for Us Boomers

Good news for us Boomer Grandmas!   In an article by Melissa Dahl, NBC News, “Millenials Are the Most Stressed Out Generation, A new Study Shows,” at , we Boomers have less stress than those younger than us and we are going to have even less stress as we age! First, we have to get […]

The Best Chicken Soup Anyone Has Ever Tasted: G G’s European Old Fashioned Chicken Soup Step by Step

A great grandparent is a GG in our family.  GG is an easy name for a great grandchild to say. Everyone who has tasted GG’s European Old Fashioned Chicken Soup agrees it is the absolute best chicken soup they have ever tasted.  GG, my mother, was a Holocaust survivor and her family chicken soup recipe […]

Three Ways for Grandma to Support the Hard Decisions in the Advancement of Working Mothers

This Grandma was NOT going to comment on Marissa Mayer’s decision to end telecommuting at Yahoo! Inc and to require all employees to report to the office.  Yes, she is a working mother, as well as a CEO.   However, she was made CEO to be a leader and turn a major company around.  Sometimes hard […]

War on Boys Affects our Grandsons

When I wrote, “Our Grandsons Have to Be Prepared to Support Themselves in Our Evolving Society,” I knew about the book, “The War on Boys,” written by Christina Hoff Sommers, written almost twelve years ago, and wrote about what I had learned that our grandsons needed. Then I opened the Sunday New York Times,February 2, […]

How Does Grandma Measure a Year

“Seasons of Love,” the song from the Broadway play, “Rent,” starts out: “five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes.  How do you measure, measure a year.” Having just lost a dear, dear friend, a wonderful grandfather, at this moment, being very philosophical, I think we grandparents measure a year by one that gives us […]

Grandma’s Exercise Tips to Improve Memory and Mood

With the New Year, in January, every article seems to be about losing weight.  To keep the articles interesting through February, the writers use a different tactic – if you are stressed or forgetful the answer is exercise.  Here are two examples, both from Sunday newspapers, February 3, 2013: Avoid Brain Overload to De-Stress. Q. […]

Earrings for Grandchild: When Mom Says No to Grandma

When our granddaughter was born, the first gift I purchased was the smallest pair of diamond earrings I could find.  Only real diamonds would do.  With a generous $150 budget, as with everything I do, I checked all the websites. Ross-Simons, Fortunoffs, Bloomingdales ….Then, I checked www.retailmenot to see if there were any further discounts or coupons […]

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