Dirt, Nuts, Bad Hygiene and Habits Such As Nail Biting and Thumb Sucking May Have A Benefit After All And Newest Technique to Try to Replace Those Behaviors

Whenever a parent of a grandchild is worried about something the grandchild is or is not doing, such as sleeping through the night, or toilet training, this Grandma’s response is always, “well, he or she will be sleeping through the night when they walk down the aisle or he or she will be toilet trained […]

Menopause is in the News Again But Where Are the Advancements to Address It: Each Woman For Herself

This is the third blog post this Grandma has written on menopause.  Menopause is in the news again but where are the advancements to address it? In 2021, I wrote the following blog post which title is self-explanatory, “A Royal Becomes A Spokesperson On Menopause So Maybe The Discussion Will Take On The Importance It […]

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