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Old is Younger Today

On the Today Show, Matt Lauer recently said age 60 is considered old according to a Pew Research Center study.  The people running the study must be in their twenties.  Everyone seems old when you are in your twenties.  I could not find the quote.  I am glad I could not.  I would have screamed at the computer.

I am not old.  I am “forever young.” How can we get the researchers to face the reality of today?  In my search to find the quote about age 60 considered old, I found gold.   Maybe they should look at this website:

In “A Quick Way to Make Today’s Stars Seem Old,” the author, Guy Cimbalo says:

Today’s stars aged 50 and over are more well-preserved than ever, whether through exercise, diet, surgery, or chemicals. And because of it, many of them seem ageless and forever young (at least when in makeup, Photoshopped, or flatteringly lit on the big screen). Want to learn a trick to suddenly make them feel more aged, though? Compare them with past notable actors who at the same age just seemed old. 

The pictures are just fabulous.  Pass them along to your long (we never say old) friends.  The author compares major stars of today (such as George Clooney) with major stars of yesterday at the same age.  Of course, the stars of today look younger.  We ARE into “exercise, diet, surgery and chemicals” because we have them and can.  We know that being healthier is better for us and being more active lets us enjoy life more – especially our grandchildren.

The author seems to say that today is not reality.  It is reality.  It is our Boomer grandma reality.

We are not our parents’ generation!

We are not our parents’ generation!

We are not our parents’ generation!

Do you think if we say it enough times, the naysayers will finally listen?

May you look and feel young in 2014 with “exercise, diet, surgery and chemicals” of your choice.



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