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How To Select the Best Award Winning Toys For All Ages For Holidays 2019

Even our toddler grandchildren crave electronics.  Our youngest grandson, only nineteen months old, can manipulate the I Phone during Face Time and has no problem pressing any and all buttons.  It seems that he believes we are in the telephone as he blows kisses and actually kisses the I Phone.  No, we are not getting him his own I Phone for the holidays.  Nor are we getting him a play phone.  Even he, at his age, is smart enough to just discard the copy.  Only real toys and games are for him.  So, when selecting toys, real toys, for holiday gifts, this Grandma went to the best resource, the Oppenheimer Toy Awards at Toy Portfolio.

Thankfully, they have revised the website and made it easier to maneuver again!  I was looking for a toy that was a favorite of all the previous toddlers that I cannot find in our home to bring to him.  It was a ball run and had longevity, where even five year olds were still playing with it.  I first went to the Awards tab on top of the website, went to Blue Chip Classics, and clicked on Toddler.  The toy I am searching for was a Platinum Award winner, the highest category, in its day, which is about a decade ago.  I did not find it, but smiled at Fisher-Price Brilliant Basics Corn Popper, a true beloved classic, which, this year, was entered in the Toy Hall of Fame.  I did not find the ball run.  If your toddler does not have a corn popper, it is a great huge stocking stuffer, at a very reasonable price. Buy at Amazon.

I then stayed in this Oppenheimer Awards category, Blue Chip Classics, and went up to the Preschool category.  Sometimes, a toy appears in both categories.  I did not find it, but smiled at the PlasmaCar.  It is an amazing toy for preschoolers, and must wait until next year to get it for our youngest grandchildren.  It won the Oppenheimer Platinum Award in 2005, and as they describe: “It’s a low to the ground ride-on that needs no batteries, has no gears, no pedals but steers like a dream. It supports up to 220 pounds (so parents can ride it, too—if you can get a turn. The Plasma Car runs best on smooth, flat surfaces and comes in many color combos. We suggest a neutral red and blue that can be used by both genders. It’s marked for three and up, but we want you to know, this tends to ride really fast and is probably a better choice for older preschoolers and early school age kids. Our test families with kids of mixed ages have consistently called this the best ever ride-on.”  After re-reading the review, this Grandma might have to wait until the year after next, but it will be hard to wait.  This is the best toy ever for the age group, and one you should get for your grandchildren if they do not have one.  It is pricy at $70 (but look for holiday specials) so several members of a family can make it a group gift.  Buy at Amazon.

It is nostalgic to look at the old time Platinum Award Winners, now called Blue Chip Classics.  As an experienced grandma, I have always appreciated having a one-stop shop for tested award winners.  Oppenheimer tests the toys with children of the appropriate age. Another classic is the Little Tikes Cozy Coupe at $58.  The grandchildren love this.  Buy at Amazon.

I went to the new list of Platinum Award Winning toys for 2019, released November 1, 2019. 2019 Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Awards is a perfect place to find toys for this year for your grandchild.  I love the fact that they have a list with links so you can select the category, a search upgrade to the website.

If I cannot replace a golden oldie, I might as well pick a new Platinum Award winner.  I went to Best Toys for Toddlers and to the category of “Making Something Happen,” which would include a ball tower and run.  The eeBoo Tot Tower 2019 is an update of a classic, and a favorite of my grandchildren.  At $22, it is a great toddler gift.  I love eeBoo toys, and they are always award winners.  Buy at Amazon.

The third toy in this category is the charm and closest to what I am trying to replace! Miniland Roll and Pop Tower is clearly the modern version of the toy we all loved before.  It does what I would expect an Oppenheimer Toy Award toy to do for his age group in this category: “developing visual tracking, the power of making things happen and sense of cause and effect.” Buy at Amazon. Yes, this Grandma purchased it on Amazon, one day delivery in our grandson’s area, and when we arrive tomorrow, it will be waiting for us to give to him.  One day, we might find the old version in a box in storage somewhere. . . .

Now, that I have walked you through toy selection for toddlers, know that it is so easy to find toys in every age group:

Best Toys for Early School Years: 2019 Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Awards

Yes, there are fabulous tween-teen choices that are NOT Fortnite coins to buy skins for our teens.  I am getting Hasbro Tiny Pongs for $20 each, an electronic version of old paddle ball where the ball is not attached, so it’s a little trickier, with the board lights up and has sound effects and counts their score as they play.  Buy at Amazon. There are lots of 2019 Oppenheimer Toy Award tweens-teens winner robot type toys, and game night new games for the whole family.

Happy Holiday shopping for award winners!



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