Just too few years ago, our younger daughter re-introduced us to a high school friend with whom she reconnected. As we of long years know, intervening years melt away when we reconnect with an old friend from our “prior lives.” It is so fortunate that she is now part of our family’s life for more reasons than this Grandma is able to share at this time.
Most of our relationship is long distance (she does work long distance by FaceTime and phone) but there is no distance between us and she as she watches out for our welfare, a true friend. She cares deeply about her principles and disciplines and those who are lucky enough to share her orbit. On both interpersonal, personal, and professional levels, she excels. Read her personal story on her website to understand the depth of her advocacy and why: “Health Coach Jaye’s Story: Body Betrayal Turned Into Advocacy.”
Now, I would like to share Jaye with you, for good reason beginning at the start of this New Year. I was about to put fingers to computer to write a blog post about how “Everyone Has Something,” and realized that Jaye has been for us and may become for you an invaluable resource when that unexpected “tzures*” (Yiddish for troubles or woes), comes into your life.
She wrote the following four years ago, but, as she said, “it never goes out of style!” With her permission, here is Health Coach Jaye gifting us all with her “Goal Setting & Pursuing Your Passionate Purpose In The New Year!
I received a valuable and introspective exercise in goal setting and planning from a friend and wanted to share it in time for the New Year.
I encourage all of you to take a break and read and re-read the exercise below and designate some time for yourself to complete it.
As Bobby Kennedy wisely said, “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” The first step of achieving greatly is creating a goal list and action plan for yourself.
“Make New Year’s goals. Dig within, and discover what you would like to have happen in your life this year. This helps you do your part. It is an affirmation that you’re interested in fully living life in the year to come.
Goals give us direction. They put a powerful force into play on a universal, conscious, and subconscious level. Goals give our life direction.
What would you like to have happen in your life this year? What would you like to do, to accomplish? What good would you like to attract into your life? What particular areas of growth would you like to have happen to you? What blocks, or character defects, would you like to have removed?
What would you like to attain? Little things and big things? Where would you like to go? What would you like to have happen in friendship and love? What would you like to have happen in your family life?
What problems would you like to see solved? What decisions would you like to make? What would you like to happen in your career?
Write it down. Take a piece of paper, a few hours of your time, and write it all down – as an affirmation of you, your life, and your ability to choose. Then let it go.
The New Year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.” -Melody Beattie (author)
One of the exercises that I conduct during the first session with my clients is to help them figure out their passionate purpose. They then spend at least 15 minutes every day working on and pursuing their purpose and goals. By the end of six months many of their dreams will come to fruition or at least they’ll be on their way to making them a reality!
During this downtime really take the time to figure out what you are passionate about and how you can achieve it whether it is as a hobby, part-time or full time. Because life is too short to think about what could have been. Pursuing your passionate purpose takes hard work and dedication, it doesn’t just happen! However, if you release the fear associated with following your passionate purpose and work harder than you ever have before, many of your dreams and goals will come to fruition. This practice will not only benefit you, but your families and communities.
“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” – George Addair
Let’s make 2019 a year of bold and daring choices that lead to a life of meaning and purpose!! It’s time to leap…
Wishing You A Happy, Healthy and Meaningful New Year Filled With Pursuing Your Passionate Purpose and that which brings you JOY!
Health Coach Jaye
Jaye Seidlin, CHC
Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Empowerment Advocate specializing in Mental, Physical and Emotional Health & Wellness
Programs for Healthy Weight Loss, Health Coach Jaye’s No Hunger Sugar Detox, Thyroid & PCOS Support, Low Glycemic Gluten-Free Meal Plans, Corporate Wellness, Family Coaching, Grocery Store Tours
(212) 748 – 9053
Wishing you Joy in the New Year!