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A Documentary We Boomer Grandparents Should Watch and Learn Wellness From, “If You’re Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast”

What a combination of interesting people!  This HBO Documentary, “If You’re Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast” is the cleverest special now available on television.

I cannot but believe that we Boomer grandparents are the target audience.  The blurb on the website includes, “[c]omedy legend Carl Reiner tracks down other celebrated people in their 90s — and beyond — to show how the twilight years can be among the happiest and most rewarding.”

After all, who else will vividly remember the legends highlighted! You can watch some of those included (maybe because they are alive) legendary entertainers, Carl Reiner, Norman Lear, Mel Brooks, and Dick Van Dyke from the documentary at a premier panel on you tube:

Carl Reiner is not interested in hearing from us Boomers.  He asked those over 90 about life and how they have lived so happily for so long.  He includes others than just the entertainers listed above, although seeing and hearing from the likes of the above Hollywood legends, and Betty White and Kirk Douglas, among others, brings back lots of memories for us.  Seeing parts of their history and seeing them perform now is so nostalgic.  The documentary includes ordinary folk who are extraordinary in that they are vital, active, and engaged in living life in their 90’s and beyond.

The advice is well to be heeded.  We may read dozens of articles on exercise for longevity, diet for longevity, but hearing from those of long (we never say old) years is inspiring.  We refuse to consider ourselves our parents’ generation, but we can learn a lot from them.  Their “secrets” will serve us well, as we Boomers, who consider ourselves “forever young,” can hear from  significant role models to emulate.

If you need more convincing, see the June 4, 2017 New York Times review of the show, “Review: ‘If You’re Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast’ Finds Vigor After 90,” by Neil Genzlinger.

What I loved about Neil Genzlinger’s review is how he ended it:

“Now the broader culture needs to consider how to change its preconceptions if 90 is the new 65.”

This Grandma will take 90 as the new 65!  Now, I know I must find new passions too beyond just seeking to live a long and healthy life with



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