Four Simple Ways To Be More Positive and Grateful To Extend Longevity and Bring More Happiness to Your Life

This week, in Mah Jongg, someone laid out three tiles with two of them jokers. Jokers are a good thing in any game. Someone bemoaned that the person had two jokers, and this person had none. I, the perpetual Pollyanna, a person who is constantly optimistic, said no. This is an opportunity for all of […]

If A Boomer Cannot Immediately Bring to Mind A Date, Name, or Word Does Not Mean He or She Is Impaired, Challenged, Or Lacks Wisdom, Intelligence, Or Competence

This Grandma is getting angrier and angrier about ageism. According to the World Health Organization, “ageism refers to the stereotypes (how we think), prejudice (how we feel) and discrimination (how we act) towards others or oneself based on age.” I didn’t think about ageism until I was forced to mandatorily retire at age 70 a […]

In the Midst of Worldwide Jewish Tsuris (Troubles), This Jewish Grandmother Adheres to Extinguishing the Darkness By Focusing on Light and Moral Clarity

It is not without irony that 2024 has brought us Jews worldwide tsuris (the Yiddish word for troubles), and also upheaval for the rest of the world, that for Jews started with October 7, 2023.  I find myself repeating my mother’s words so often, as I stand as the matriarch of a Holocaust family. My […]

Mother-in-law and Mother Relationship Can be The Same and How to Thrive Being An In-Law Father, In-law Mother, and Importantly, In-law Grandparents

This post is dedicated to a dear friend who just entered into a new phase in her life, that of being a mother-in-law.  Yes, there is a difference between being a mother and being a mother-in-law.  All of this  post applies to the father-in-law and grandfather in this day and age, and one previous blog […]

We Boomer Grandparents Should Consider Being Realistic About Pet Adoption and Include Our Fur Babies in Our Wills and/or Create a Pet Trust for Their Care Upon Our Disability or Death

Now that the new year 2024 is upon us, let us make a resolution to take care of our pets so they are cared for forever. When PopPop and I were ready to adopt two kittens, we were asked if we had plans for their care after our deaths as their life expectancy is twenty […]

Buzzfeed Listed Indispensable and Inexpensive Products For Parents That Will Make Grandparents Lives Easier Too So Buy For Their Home Too

This Grandma has become a Buzzfeed fan.  I first saw the car seat opener, that is incredible and even easy for a mechanically challenged grandma like me to use, in a Buzzfeed article.  When you look at “36 Toddler Products That’ll Make You Think, “Wow, I Could Really Use This In My Life.””  you will […]

Best Seven Chanukah and Christmas Holiday Gift Ideas For Grandparents and the Parents of Your Grandchildren That You Might Not Have Considered, Are Priceless, Interesting, Mostly Inexpensive, and Unusual

It is always hard to get grandparents holiday gifts.  All we grandparents want is time with grandchildren.  In that vein, here are ideas for being together or remembering that to grandparents, something that reminds them of the joy of grandchildren is the best gift, and more that are interesting and unusual.  The majority of gifts […]

Christmas and Chanukah, Two of the Best Holiday Gift Resources for the Newest and Best Top Rated Toys and Games for Children of All Ages at All Price Points and The Easiest Way To Find Them All

This Grandma found the Oppenheimer Toy Awards years ago.  It should be the first place to look for award winning toys and games for 2023 for children of all ages.  Why?  They are researched and tested by children of the targeted age group and give you the newest and best at all price points. The […]

The Truth Is Most Painful

My Mother, a Holocaust survivor, experienced inhumanity to man that I would wish on no one.  She raised me with tikkun olam (meaning committed to making the world a better place, that I must leave the world a better place). My Father, a Holocaust survivor, experienced inhumanity to man that I would wish on no […]

The Five Best Rules and Regulations For In-Law Parents and All Grandparents That Make Them The Indispensable Go-To Grandparents

Why does this Grandma use the terms “rules and Regulations” and for “in-law parents”? If you, the reader, are asking, then you are new to my blog. RULE NUMBER ONE The parents are the gatekeepers of our precious grandchildren. All of us grandparents want the gates wide open, so we must honor and respect the […]

An American Holocaust Survivor’s Child’s Perspective on the October 7, 2023 Hamas Surprise Attack on Civilian Israelis

So much has been said since the October 7, 2023, surprise attack by the terrorist group, Hamas, on civilian Israelis.  As a child of Holocaust survivors, I was exposed by my parents’ daymares and nightmares to the horrors they experienced at the hands of the Nazis while I was too young. If you put Holocaust […]

Where Do You Fall In the Controversy Over Clear Plastic or Bullet Proof School Backpacks For Our Grandchildren or Neither At All

It is easy to want to put school shootings out of your mind.  Then school starts and the issue is again in front of you or put in front of you on the front page of the New York Times, “Make Sure You Duck Behind Your Backpack: Back-to-School Season Pains a Mother Who Saw a […]

Pay Attention To Signs Of Pancreatic Cancer, Known and Common Risk and Symptoms, Lesser Known Symptoms and Risk Factors, Know the Best Treatment Available Where There is Also Promising News

PopPop died five years and two months after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  It is not pure luck.  It was hard work and ups and downs, but worth the roller coaster because it was more ups than downs, and we had the best care we could have possibly had.  We shared life and love and […]

To Have the Most Access to and the Best Relationship with Your Grandchildren, Always Go First to the Parent of Your Grandchildren Who is Your Child About Any Issue

I initially wrote this blog post a few years ago. One long (we never say old) dear friend has a new baby grandson who lives nearby with her son, his father, and her daughter-in-law, his mother.  Dealing with a daughter-in-law, and even a son, especially who are new parents with their first child, is a […]

Maternity Clothing Then and Now, Its Future and More For Women, Being Created, Fostered, and Modeled by Rihana

When I look at the photographs of the maternity clothing my mother wore when pregnant with me in 1946 and the maternity clothing I wore in 1973, they are embarrassingly similar. So, I decided to check Wikipedia about the history of maternity clothes.  Although the complete history of maternity clothing on Wikipedia is interesting, I […]

Reading and Writing Cursive May No Longer be Taught to Our Grandchildren: An Easy Three Step Process For Grandparents to Teach Grandchildren How to Create A Cursive Signature of Their Own

When this Grandma was a child, I remember hearing about how some would mark their signature with an X because they could not read or write.  Having a unique cursive signature was important when I was a child, and even in my adulthood.  I went to my go to source, Wikipedia, for more information about […]

There is One Summer Pool and Beach Toy for 2013 That Is Addictive To Children Age Three and Up

This Grandma looks for summer pool and beach toys every year, trying to find a true winner. The first place I look is the Oppenheimer Toy Awards, toys that are tested by children by age group, divided into award categories of Platinum (the best of the best of new products), Gold (next best new […]

When Does A Widow Take Off Her Wedding Band and How to Provide Support In the Grieving Process With Compassion

My blog,, has evolved over almost a dozen years, from just being about grandmothering, to grandparenting, to“parenting” adults, to sharing life tips as a Boomer, to preserving family recipes and memories (including our Holocaust family history), creating memories and rituals, gifts and toys for children of all ages, gifts for all holidays and events,  […]

With U.S. Births Held Flat, Can We Boomers Expect to Be Grandparents, How Do We Help to Become Grandparents, and the Ambivalence About It

I distinctly remember exactly where I was when I first found out I was going to be a grandmother for the first time.  I admit the exhilaration was greater than when I found out I was going to be a mother for the first time.  After all, being a parent is all work.  Being a […]

We Boomers are Asking The Wrong Generation If They Want Our Prized Possessions As We Do Our Spring Cleaning or Downsize

We Boomers are downsizing, or so I continually hear in the news and media.  Moreover, especially during spring cleaning time, articles and advice columns about how our adult children do not want our possessions abound.   We are told to tell our adult children to pick just one item each, instead of asking them to divide […]

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